Update 4.1.2

  • Fixed an issue where the Delete Continents Option wouldn't show up when loading custom maps
  • Added a 1919 scenario (Russian Civil War)
  • Updated the 1914 and 1871 scenarios so that the Ottoman Empire doesn't control central arabia
  • Seperated Nepal from the British Raj in all historical scenarios
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes loading custom maps wouldn’t work
  • Made iceland independent in the 2000 scenario
  • Added several new flags (provided by serendipp)
  • Reduced oil outputs of Texas and Azerbaijan in  historical scenarios
  • Added the ability to rename countries when making custom maps
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would confuse its own forts as belonging to the enemy and assuming the enemy was much better defended than it actually was and refusing to attack when it would clearly win


Greater Diplomacy 4.1.2.html Play in browser
45 days ago

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